KME Picks: Our Favorite NYC Florists


As summer comes to a close and Fall wedding and gala season arrives, I’m back in the swing of things designing arrangements for client events, getting ready for one of my busiest months of the year. I’m always looking at what my brilliant colleagues are doing and what my savvy clients are loving at any given moment - inspiration is abound - and here are some of my favorite New York City florists!

  1. Ovando - Website - Instagram

  2. Emily Thompson Flowers - Website - Instagram

  3. Belle Fleur - Website - Instagram

Honorable mention to one of my favorites on Insta: @MrFlowerFantastic. You’ve never seen anything like his super artistic, unreal floral sculptures! Speaking of Insta, catch my tutorial @KristieMeluso to learn how to make the perfect flower pom for your coffee or dining table and more on Highlights to impress your friends ;) Extra tips below.

  1. Use room temperature water for your flowers, and change it every 2 days for longer life.

  2. Before you place them in a vase, cut your flower stems on an angle, to give them more surface space to absorb water.

  3. If you want to help your flowers ‘blossom’ a bit, hold the stem between your hands with the flower upside down, and shimmy the stem twisting it back and forth, to help the petals open more.

xo Kristie

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